Prof. Patrick Jüdt


Patrick Jüdt, former student of Hatto Beyerle, is active on an
international scale as a soloist and chamber musician and especially engaged as a player and a concuctor in the area of contemporary music.
Since 2006 he is closely cooperating with Ensemble Modern Frankfurt. Hei s a member of Collegium Novum Zürich.
His playing career let him appear on the most important music festivalsand concert halls such as Wiener Festwochen, Schleswig-HolsteinMusikfestival, Lucerne Music Festival, Ojay Festival (California),Berliner Philharmonie, Kölner Philharmonie, Tonhalle Zürich, Théatre des Champs-Élysées (Paris), Wigmore Hall (London). The close cooperation as achamber musician with Composers and Musicians like among others Helmut Lachenmann, György Kurtag, Heinz Holliger, Jürg Wyttenbach, Hansheinz Schneeberger built his deep interest in the intimate connection betweenavantgarde and cultural tradition.
Patrick Jüdt is the professor of the viola, chamber music and
contemporary music in Bern University of Arts and Tutor of ECMA (EuropeanChamber Music Academy) and is the artistic director for the Bern ECMA Session. In 2016 he founded the unique string ensemble Le tre C' togetherwith Imke Frank and François Poly.

